Security and Privacy in the Teaching of Islam and Globalization

Ghulam Ali Khan


Every person wants security and privacy but due to globalization and expending of information and communication technology (ICT), walls of individual’s security and privacy are damaging badly. Advancements of the ICT have made the people very powerful. One person can destroy and disturb the whole society so advancement of ICT without ethics and responsibilities are pushing them towards wane.

  • Due to the mobile cameras privacy of the people is affecting. Vulgar messages and naked pictures are being sent to the ladies.
  • Some public net cafes and public places are equipped with spy cameras and without permission, bad peoples are loading pictures and videos of the others on you tube.
  • Due to the remote excess soft wares, hackers are hacking and interfering into the others lives.

Islam as a religion has a teaching and practical suggestion for the solution and preparation of responsible individual and human groups.

  • Everyone is responsible about his every action of life.
  • Islam forbids to interfere into the others lives, nobody is allowed to disturb the privacy and security of the others.
  • In Islamic teaching a person can be punished if he looks into the others home without permission.
  • Islam prohibits spying anyone.
  • Islam teaches to hide the mistakes and sins of the individual and does not allow advertising them.
  • Islam prohibits going to others home during some specific times even one has appointment to meet (for persons having family).

It is quite possible to educate and civilized the individuals and human groups by the teaching of Islam and can assure the privacy and security defining the limits of the persons.

If we don’t change the attitude of the people with respect to the modern development in the present scenario it is quite possible that advancement as a result of globalization and ICT without ethical values can destroy the whole global world.

Solutions and suggestions in this regard will be discussed in detail during oral presentation.