Thinking about Aldo Leopold: Reflections on interdisciplinarity and research questions

SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Roberta L. Millstein Department of Philosophy University of California, Davis

Wednesday, October 25th 1:10-1:50p.m. Adanti Student Center Theater

Dr. Millstein will discuss her work-in-progress on the views of Aldo Leopold, a 20th-century forester, wildlife manager, ecologist, conservationist, and professor, best known for his posthumously published book  A Sand County Almanac and  the influential idea he called “THE LAND ETHIC.”

Light refreshments will be served!

SCSU Student Panel: reproductive rights

March 1st 2023

1:10-2pm EN B121 A&B

Join your fellow students in a discussion regarding the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade and what that means for students at SCSU. This important discussion will be student lead (undergraduate and graduate) and will take place in a safe environment where all students can come together and share ideas, anxieties, comments and questions. Please join us for this important campus event!

Consider filling out this form to better accommodate all persons in attendance and ensure a comfortable environment for everyone.

Pizza will be served!

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Roe (

An Evening with An Expert: Dr. Tina Rulli

Dr. Tina Rulli, Associate Professor of Philosophy, UC Davis

Tuesday January 31, 2023

4-5pm BU 449

Those interested in learning more about interdisciplinary research, graduate school, and barriers facing underrepresented academics are welcome to join us for this informal reception celebrating the work and success of Dr. Tina Rulli!

Snacks will be served!

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Roe (