University of the Aegean, Syros, Greece
April 14-16 2004
Department of Product and Systems Design University of the Aegean
Department of Management Science and Technology Athens University of Economics and Business
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK
Research Center on Computing and Society, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
Software Engineering Ethics Research Institute, East Tennessee State University, USA
Professor Terrell Ward Bynum, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
Professor John Darzentas, University of the Aegean, Greece
Dr Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Professor Simon Rogerson, De Montfort University, UK
International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT)
The Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS)
Troubador Publishing Ltd
Keynote Address
- Ethical Challenges to Citizens of “the Automatic Age”: Norbert Wiener on the . Information Society by Terrell Ward Bynum
Accepted Abstracts
- “The Social Impacts of Ubiquitous IT: A Sociotechnical Approach” by Jonathan P. Allen
- “How Shall I Trust Thee? Let Me Count the Ways.” Ethical Judgment and Virtual Business Communities by Alan A Andolsen
- “Social behaviour, incentives and technology in peer-to-peer content distribution networks” by Stephanos Androutsellis-Theotokis
- “University Challenges in Information Society: The Case of Rioja University” by Mario Arias-Oliva, Leonor González and Raúl Santiago
- “Citizens Expectations and Disappointments in Information Society – Case of Romania” by Doinita Ariton, Florina Paun, Viorca Ioan, Mihaela Nicolau, Nicoleta Barbuta, Liliana Moga, Florin Buhociu, Carmen Tofan
- “Extending Artificial Agency to Incorporate Ethics-oriented Social Interaction” by Argyris Arnellos, Thomas Spyrou and John Darzentas
- “Unpredictable risks and the autonomy of the Internet user: the case of KPNQwest” by Lotte Asveld
- “Local Culture and the E-Business: The Freedom and Threat of Communication” by Constantinos Athanasopoulos
- “A framework for performing security and ethical analyses in agent computing” by A Barnard, E Cloete and L Pretorius
- “The Teaching of Computer Ethics at State of Califonia Universities, USA and other Countries.” by Porfirio Barroso and Gloria Melara
- “A public threat to protection of privacy? Data retention requirements in the European Union” by José Luis Gómez Barroso
- “Popper on Utilizing Knowledge: Piecemeal Social Engineering, Technological Warnings and Social Planning” by Herzl Baruch
- “Impact of Indian Personality Construct of Gunas and Subjective Norms on Software Piracy in the Workplace” by Kanika T. Bhal and Nivedita Debnath
- “Troutian Ethics: an exploration” by Andy Bissett
- “Addressing Ethics in Entertainment Software Development” by Andy Bissett, Paul Parry, Innes Ritchie, Bob Steele
- “Ethics of Information Societies” by Wojciech Jerzy Bober
- “Stakeholder Theory in practice: building better software systems.” by Mike Bowern, Craig McDonald and John Weckert
- “Ethical Issues for the Virtual University” by Philip Brey
- “The ethical challenges facing the Chief Knowledge Officer: some critical comments and practical guidelines.” by J J Britz and M M M Snyman
- “Evaluation of the role of Information Literacy skills in combating social exclusion.” by Judith Broady-Preston and Barbara Hull
- “Lessons learned from the South Korean and Hong Kong Success Stories of Broadband Development: the role of the Government” by Jyoti Choudrie and Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou
- “Ethical evaluation of new ICT-systems in health care” by Göran Collste
- ‘Design for All’: Socially Responsible Design or just good sense? by Jenny S. Darzentas and John Darzentas
- “The missing element in an intelligent world” by Penny Duquenoy
- “Developing a model of broadband adoption in the household” by Y. K. Dwivedi and J. Choudrie
- “Ethical Aspects of Using Digital Images of People for Education” by Jill Evans and John Mahoney
- “The Rhetoric of the New Economy” by László Fekete
- “Conflict of Interest Laws in North Carolina, U.S.A.: Past and Present Statutes, and Some Reflections on the Impact of the Computer Age” by A. Fleming Bell
- “Stress, Attitudes, and Personality in Computing” by Vangelis Giannoutsos
- “Proposal for an Accessible Conception Of Cyberspace” by David H. Gleason and Lawrence Friedman
- “Ethical Issues in Virtual Communities Of INNovation” by Peter Gloor, Carey Heckman, Fillia Makedon
- “Something old, something new? What if they clash?
An individual facing the challenge of misguiding guidance” by Krystyna Górniak-Kocikowska - “Software Process Ethics: How much does that Process Cost?” by Don Gotterbarn
- “Ethical Standards For Online Advice Giving: An Overview of the Issues for Business and Financial Advisors.” by Fritz H. Grupe and Jeanne Yamaura
- “Internet against Human Diversity in the Society of Global (but Divers) Information?” by Viorel Guliciuc and Emilia Guliciuc
- “DO INTERNET EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ENCOURAGE GENDER BIAS: A study of the effects of corporate culture on career advancement opportunities for women in the field of ICT” by Andra Gumbus and Frances Grodzinsky
- “The Question at the Foundation of Information Ethics: Does Information Have Intrinsic Value?” by Kenneth Einar Himma
- “Nanoethics: fact, fiction and forecasting” by David S. Horner
- “The role of information systems staff in the provision for data protection and privacy. A subjective approach.” by Richard Howley, Simon Rogerson, N Ben Fairweather and Lawrence Pratchett
- “Building successful on-line learning communities across international boundaries: a Case Study” by Pat Jefferies, Frances Grodzinsky and Joe Griffin
- “Computers as Surrogate Agents” by Deborah G. Johnson and Thomas M. Powers
- “Internet-related Employment Opportunities and Challenges for Women in Japan” by Kristen MJ Johnson
- “Information Systems Security and the Structuring of Organizations” by Maria Karyda, Spyros Kokolakis and Evangelos Kiountouzis
- “What Happens When Law is Used to Protect the Technologies that Protect Copyright?” by Ian Kerr and Jane Bailey
- “Consequentialist Considerations of Intellectual Property Rights in Software and other Digitally Distributable Media” by Kai Kimppa
- “Changes in The Internet Privacy Practices of The Fortune Global 500 Companies” by Chula G. King
- “An Ethical Analysis of the Behaviour of Clinicians using Expert Systems” by Heidi King and Simon Rogerson
- “The Internet in a Turbulent Geography: Fostering Peace and Deepening Enmity in Cyprus” by Melih Kirlidog
- “Compressed Civilization” by Łukasz Knasiecki
- “Operation ‘Open Source’ — A Challenge for Governments and Citizens of the Information Society” by Andrzej Kocikowski
- “The Practice and the Potential of Electronic Voting.” by Mikolaj Kocikowski
- “No fear or hope, but new weapons. On privacy and technology.” by Matthijs Kouw, Edo Schreuders and Lizette Pater
- “An empirical study investigating the costs and benefits of teleworking and their impact upon teleworkers’ productivity and satisfaction” by Banita Lal and Jyoti Choudrie
- “Knowledge Management: The darker side of KM” by Frank Land, Sevasti-Melissa Nolas and Urooj Amjad
- “Open Source Software: A Case of Swift Trust?” by Paul B. de Latt
- “Looking over my Shoulder: The Impact of the PATRIOT Act and other Legal Developments in the United States on the Right to Read and Receive Information” by Tomas A. Lipinski
- “Socially Responsible (Moral) Autonomous Software Agents – I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that” by Richard Lucas
- “Teaching Digital Fluency and Computer Responsibility” by Peter Madsen
- “The ethical dilemma of data sharing under risk” by Fillia Makedon, C.B. Owen, C. Sudborough, S. Kapidakis, P. Gloor, C. Heckman, J. Ford, J. Pearlman
- “Privacy and Freedom of Information in Information Society” by B R Mandre, C G Aher, D V Patil, Atulchandra Kulkarni
- “Customizing Web-sites to fit Global Cultures: Proposing an eCulturation Model” by Nicholas Mangos and Maz Demosthenous
- “Web Personalization and the Privacy Concern” by Konstantinos Markellos, Penelope Markellou, Maria Rigou, Spiros Sirmakessis and Athanasios Tsakalidis
- “Digital Victim or ‘Vigilante’: Legal and Ethical Limits to Online Self-Defense” by Jeffrey H. Matsuura
- “Post September 11th Security concerns: the threat to Internet Privacy” by Karen McCullagh
- “Privacy Policies Online: some reflections and conclusions from a continuing investigation” by Steve McRobb and Simon Rogerson
- “Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Information Society” by D G Medhi and Hiren K D Sarma
- “Cyberethics and the South African Electronic Communications and Transactions Act” by DP van der Merwe, L Pretorius and A Barnard
- “Cybernetic diasporic safe places” by Ananda Mitra
- “Securing Software for the Information Society” by Robert K. Moniot
- “Unsolicited Commercial Communication: The intergrated scenario” by Evangelos Moustakas and Penny Duquenoy
- “The Drift of the United States Toward a Surveillance Society in Today’s Networked Economy” by William H. M. Nelson, III and Anne Nelson
- “The most relevant drivers and constraints that may influence teleworking implementation in Portugal” by Flávio Nunes
- “The digital diploma: assessing the impact of electronic certification in a Gulf Arab Society.” by Brian O’Flynn
- “The Information Society as a Globalised Society; How Many ICTs Can the Citizen Cope With?” by Hendrik Opdebeeck
- “An Ethical Questioning of Work Place Surveillance – strengthening employees’ negotiating power” by Elin Palm
- “Professional Codes and Management Issues” by Antony Panteli and Duncan Langford
- “Perception gaps between policy makers and users along the diffusion process of the Integrated Care Records Service (ICRS) in the UK National Health Service (NHS)” by Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou, Reshma Gandecha, Christopher Atkinson
- “In the Eye of the Beholder: Moral disengagement and ethical decision making among Information Systems professionals” by Kevin P. Pauli and Tammy Y. Arthur
- “The direction of evolution of “the political culture” in times of violent expansion of informative techniques” by Piotr Pawlak
- “The impact of mobility on the temporal structuring of virtual organizations” by Elpida Prasopoulou, Niki Panteli and Nancy Pouloudi
- “Surveillance-capable technologies in the workplace: some evidence of the views of the next generation of computer professionals” by Mary Prior
- “Towards a Socially Responsible Economy: The Role of Information Technology” by Roderick Mendoza Rupido
- “Shaping and implementing trans-national e-collaboration: The case of ALADIN” by Philip Seltsikas and Helle Zinner Henriksen
- “I have the power!” by Paul Simpkins
- “Teaching Professional Issues in Computing through the Development of a Student Code of Ethics” by Bernd Carsten Stahl, Chris Wood and Richard Howley
- “Patterns of ethical behaviour and decision making” by Stanislaw Szejko
- “Providing Graduate Computing Students with an Appreciation of Appropriate the Ethical, Professional and Legal Issues” by Barrie Thompson and Helen Edwards
- “Internet and mobile communication between health care from the citizen point of view” by Pekka Turunen, Aapo Immonen and Jarmo Tähkäpää
- “Being a good computer professional: the advantages of virtue ethics in computing” by Richard Volkman
- “Privacy and human rights – 1984 revisited or simply the pursuit of a safer society?” by Ciaran Ward
- “Is the Increasing Scarcity of Women in Information Technology a Social Justice Issue?” by Caroline E. Wardle, C. Dianne Martin and Valerie A. Clarke
- “Ethical issues on content distribution to digital consumers via paid placement as opposed to website visibility in search engine results.” by Melius Weideman
- “Social and ethical implications of virtualization of the business environment in the music sector” by Janusz Wielki
- “E-Government, Participation or Panopticon?” by Sara Wilford