LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy
6th to 8th October 1999
Research Centre in Information Systems LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy
Centro di Ricerca sui Sistemi Informativi della LUISS Guido Carli V.le Pola, 12, I-00198 ROMA
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK
Research Center on Computing and Society, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
Professor Terrell Ward Bynum, Southern Connecticut University, USA
Professor Alessandro D’Atri, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy
Dr Antonio Marturano, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy
Simon Rogerson, De Montfort University, UK
- “Some Ethical Aspects of Agency Machines Based on Artificial Intelligence” by Francesco Amigoni, Viola Schiaffonati and Marco Somalvico
- “Ethical Problems Generated by the use of Informatics in Medicine” by Porfirio Barroso
- “The Future of Islamic Personal Introduction Agencies on the Internet” by Mohamed M. Begg, Simon Rogerson, Paul Luker and N Ben Fairweather
- “An Investigation of Gender Differences in the Ethical Attitudes of IT Professionals” by Andrew Bissett and Geraldine Shipton
- “Negotiating Computer Taxes and the Public Interest” by Marcus Breen
- “Method in Computer Ethics: Towards a Multi-level Interdisciplinary Approach” by Philip Brey
- “An ethical perspective on information poverty and proposed solutions” by Johannes J. Britz and J.N. Blignaut
- “The Computer-Mediated Public Sphere and the Cosmopolitan Ideal” by Robyn Brothers
- “Towards an Effective and Ethical Virtual Learning Environment” by John T. Burns
- “Why Computers Will (Necessarily) Deceive Us and Each Other” by Cristiano Castelfranchi
- “Genetics and the Fair use of Electronic Information” by Thomas Cavanaugh
- “The ethical problems of teaching information systems security at undergraduate level” by Dave Chadwick, Phil Clipsham, G. Windall and A. Stanley
- “Responsible Computers” by Kari Coleman
- “The Internet – Doctor” by Göran Collste
- “Regulation, Risks and Integrity in the Global Financial Market” by Corrado Conti
- “Multimedia content delivery to mobile terminals: policies for radio spectrum usage” by Francesco Conti
- “Evaluating telehealth: the search for an ethical perspective” by Tony Cranford and Ela Klecun-Dabrowska
- “Technological limits of parental control over the Internet” by Michele Crudele
- “Shifting boundaries: The responsibility of the computing professionals in the information society” by Ruud van Dael and Marc van Lieshout
- “Towards a synthesis of Discourse Ethics and Internet regulation” by Penny Duquenoy, Harold Thimbleby and Steve Torrance
- “Differences Between Men and Women in Terms of Usage and Assessment of Information Technologies” by J.J. Escribano, Rosalia Peña and Javier Extremera
- “Teaching Ethics to a Multicultural, Multiethnic, Multifaith Group of mature students in the Context of Information Security” by Cliff Evans
- “Software As Discourse And Its Implications For The Regulation Of Information Society” by Gail E Evans and Sarah Moylan
- “Policies for the prevention of repetitive strain injury (RSI) among computer users: a moral analysis” by N Ben Fairweather
- “Are Internet Tools and Resources Ethical?” by Thomas J. Froehlich
- “Teaching Children about Ethics and the Internet” by Anthony E. Fusco
- “The Axioms of Subsumption Ethics” by David H. Gleason
- “Of Computers, Copyright, and Contract” by Wendy J Gordon and Paul J. Liacos
- “An Ethical Decision Support Tool: Improving the Identification and Response to the Ethical Dimensions of Software Projects” by Don Gotterbarn
- “The Development of the ‘Ethical’ ICT Professional and the Vision of an Ethical On-line Society: How far Have we Come and Where are we Going?” by Frances S. Grodzinsky
- “The Insignificance of a Technological Conception” by Scott Hanson
- “I need the Internet for Information – ICT in School and the Principle of Beneficence” by Jan Holmqvist
- “Perfection and the Idea of Moral Progress in Information Ethics” by David Sanford Horner
- “Moral Responsibilities for Systems Development” by Jeroen van den Hoven
- “The Human Factor” by Barbara Hull
- “Is the Internet-Regulation Necessary?” by Shuji Imamoto
- “Privacy, Autonomy and Workplace Surveillance” by Lucas D. Introna
- “Square eyed and Virtual – A Vision of the Information Age?” by Pat Jefferies and Fiaz Hussain
- “Young People and New Media in Sweden” by Ulla Johnsson-Smaragdi
- “Virtual Organizations, Real Business and National Work” by Jorma Kajava
- “An Emerging Ontology of Jurisdiction in Cyberspace” by David R. Koepsell
- “Third Parties: Toward a Restoration of Trust in Cyberspace?” by Paul B. de Laat
- “Networked Computer Systems – the case for Ethical Audit” by Duncan Langford
- “The “Human-Machine” Schism in STS with Implications for Software Accountability, Control and Design” by Stephen J. Lilley
- “The Information Rich, the Information Poor and the Legal Information Underclass: Access to Unpublished Precedent and Use of CALR (Computer Assisted Legal Research)” by Tomas Lipinski
- “Deconstructing (the concept of) Intellectual Property: Designing and Incorporating Alternative Models of Property Owners hip in the New Millennium and the Protection of Indigenous Knowledge” by Tomas Lipinski and Johannes J Britz
- “Issues of Data Protection in Contemporary Development Environments” by Mark Lycett and Nancy Pouloudi
- “Ethical Issues in the Use of Neural Network-based Methodologies for Image Interpretation in Medicine” by George D. Magoulas and Nancy Pouloudi
- “The Role & Ethical Impact of Information Technology in the Distribution of Corporate Information” by Christine Mallin and Sue Newell
- “Educating Information Professionals: A Comparative Approach to Codes of Ethics” by Cheryl Knott Malone
- “Terrorism and Civil Disobedience: Towards an International Ethic of Hacktivism” by Mark Manion and Abby Goodrum
- “Regulating Cyberspace – from a Kelsenian point of view” by Antonio Marturano
- “Normative aspects and responsibilities into the Virtual Enterprise model” by Antonio Marturano, Nicola Marturano and Roberto Tononi
- “Activity Report of IIS E-Commerce and Digital-Cash Committee” by Kanta Matsuura and Hideki Imai
- “Patient privacy and economic interests: raising issues in Health Telematics” by Velia Mauro
- “Community Informatics – Defining an Ethical Framework” by Paul McCusker and Kate O’Dubhchair
- “Ethical Considerations in Web-Site Design: Developing a Graphical Metric” by Bill McDaniel and Pat McGrew
- “The Future Looks Dim: Building the Information Society with Shoddy Materials” by Keith W. Miller
- “Privacy, Encryption and the Internet” by Seumas Miller
- “Voice and Geography in Cyberspace” by Ananda Mitra
- “Reducing the geek bias in virtual communities: suggestions from a case study” by Miranda Mowbray
- “Ethics in Military and Civilian Software Development” by Sam Nitzberg
- “Information technologies, democracy and economic power” by Hendrik Opdebeeck
- “Technological Mafia and “off-shore” legal activities – Existing Relationships Between Criminality And Information Society” by Emanuela Pauselli
- “Teaching ethics embbedded in technical subjects” by Rosalia Peña, Juan Botía and Javier Extremera
- “Biometrics and Privacy. A note on the politics of theorizing technology” by Irma van der Ploeg
- “Governing privacy: systems, participants and policy instruments” by Charles D. Raab
- “The evaluation of a Case-Based Reasoner as a Tool to Facilitate Understanding of the Ethical and Professional Issues Invoked by failed IS Projects” by Harjinder Rahanu, Jennifer Davies and Simon Rogerson
- “Ethical Dilemmas in Connection with On-line Forums in Local Government” by Agneta Ranerup
- “Unequal Access: A Pressing Moral Problem?” by David Resnick
- “Contractual and Technological Regulation of Information Access” by David A. Rice
- “Digitalization and Personal Identity” by Wade Robison
- “Against the Power of Abstraction” by László Ropolyi
- “Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied?” by Richard S. Rosenberg
- “Critical Information-Dependent Systems and International Security” by Giuseppe Sacco
- “2001: On becoming a person – The Internet, the Chakras and Neuro Linguistic Programming” by Philippe Scheimann
- “Regulation, Governance and the Internet: the Quest for a Global Ethic?” by Jamal Shahin
- “Where Information Society Meets Information Economy: Some Implications of Personal Information for Market Fairness” by Stuart Shapiro
- “A common sense approach to the Corporate Contradiction (How a Local Authority manages the New Data Protection Act)” by Paul Simpkins
- “Could Computer Ethics Spark a New Moral Generation? – An Australian Perspective” by Chris R. Simpson
- “On the Moral Scrutiny of Two Kinds of Information Security Activities” by Mikko T. Siponen
- “Regulating Digital Identity” by Richard A. Spinello
- “Issues of Ethics and Responsibility with Internet Information Quality” by Laurie A. Smith King
- “Will the Regulation of Software Engineering and the Texas Licensing Model Act as Catalysts for the Integration of Computer Ethics into Mainstream Computer Education?” by Andrew Storey and J Barrie Thompson
- “Information Ethics Education as Science Education and Simulated Network Emergency Exercises for Information Teachers” by Takeo Tatsumi, Yasumari Harada and Noriaki Kusumoto
- “Internet Privacy: Some Distinctions Between Internet-Specific and Internet-Enhanced Privacy Concerns” by Herman T. Tavani
- “Tutorial on digital cryptography” by Harold Thimbleby
- “Ethics and consumer electronics” by Harold Thimbleby, Penny Duquenoy and Gary Marsden
- “Gender and Ethnicity of Computing – Perceptions of the Future Generation” by Eva Turner
- “Internet Filtering Criteria: a Survey Raising Ethical Issues” by Marie d’Udekem-Gevers
- “Fading Barriers to Potentially Harmful Information: Moral Responsibilities of Internet Providers” by Anton Vedder
- “Double encryption of anonymized electronic data interchange” by Albert Vlug
- “Software Ownership and Natural Rights” by Richard Volkman
- “The Virtual Classroom and Computer Mediated Instruction” by Andrew Ward and Brian Prosser
- “Educating for the future: how can we do better?” by Julian Webb, Lesley Rackley and John Betts
- “What is so bad about Internet regulation?” by John Weckert
- “Ethics, Retailing and the Internet” by Paul Whysall
- “Ethical Considerations on Information System Development: Perspectives on a Practical Moral Framework” by Xiaojian Wu, Simon Rogerson and N Ben Fairweather