Erasmus University, The Netherlands
25 to 27 March 1998
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK
Research Center on Computing and Society, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
East Tennessee State University, USA
Professor Terrell Ward Bynum, Southern Connecticut University, USA
Professor Donald Gotterbarn, East Tennessee State University, USA
Dr Jeroen van den Hoven, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Simon Rogerson, De Montfort University, UK
- “Re-engineering of Values in the Global Information Society” by Alberto Abruzzese and Carlo Grasi
- “No Chance for Key Recovery: Encryption and International Principles of Human and Political Rights” by Yaman Akdeniz
- “Who will bear moral responsibility?” by David Anderson
- “Encountering the World with Ubiquitous Computing” by Agustin A. Araya
- “New Information Based Organisations: A Conceptual Approach” by Mario Arias-Oliva
- “Electronic Commerce and Auditing in Cyberspace” by Douglas W. Barbin
- “The Ethics of the Internet in a Digitized Society” by Porfirio Barroso and John Weckert
- “Designing and Filtering On-line Information Quality: New Perspectives for Information Service Providers” by Laure Berti and David Graveleau
- “IT and the Workplace: Perspectives on Technology and the Responsibilites of Experts” by Frans A.J. Birrer
- “Envy and Destructiveness: Understanding the Impulses Behind Computer Viruses” by Andy Bissett and Geraldine Shipton
- “The Internet and Public Interest Theory” by Marcus Breen
- “Worker Autonomy and the Technological Drama of Digital Netwoks in Organizations” by Philip Brey
- “The Right to Know Versus the Right to Own: The Ethical Dilemma of Intellectual Freedom Versus Intellectual Property – A South African Case Study” by Johannes J. Britz and K. E. van Zyl
- “Teaching Information Integrity – an ethical approach” by Phil Clipsham, Dave Chadwick and Andrew Stanley
- “Email Ethics” by Pat Gannon-Leary
- “Surveillance in Employment: the case of Teleworking” by N Ben Fairweather
- “Subjective and Objective Knowledge in a small and complex Relational Data Base” by Philip Hughes Farro
- “Rethinking Technology, Revitalising Ethics: Overcoming Barriers to Ethical Design” by Patrick Feng
- “Information Ethics: From Case-based Analyses to Theoretical Foundations” by Luciano Floridi
- “Data Medical Privacy Act: an Italian Lacking. Some Remarks” by Luigi Gerardi
- “Projects from Hell – The Ethics of IT Project Planning” by David H. Gleason
- “Improving job design by stealth: a practical or an ethical issue?” by Tom Gough
- “Creating an Organisational Awareness of Ethical Responsibility about Information Technology” by Mary J. Granger and Joyce C. Little
- “Equity of Access and Adaptive Technology” by Frances Grodzinsky
- “Computer Mediated Communications and International Communities of Practice” by Paul Hildreth, Chris Kimble and Peter Wright
- “Let us reorganize the networked computerized workplace from an ethical point of view” by Thomas B. Hodel-Widmer and Ambros P. Luthi
- “Computers in school and the formation of social values” by Jan Holmqvist
- “How to do things with Kant: conscientiousness in information management” by David Sanford Horner
- “Information Society, Ethics and the EU” by Bethan Ilett
- “Privacy in the information age: stakeholders, interests and values” by Lucas Introna and Nancy Pouloudi
- “Raising Ethical Awareness in Systems Development” by Alastair Irons and Paul Kelly
- “Computer use and abuse within organisations: understanding ethics of a workplace” by Shalini Kesar and Simon Rogerson
- “Profession and Professional Ethics: an IT perspective” by Andrew Korac-Kakabadse and Nada Korac-Kakabadse
- “Patenting Mathematical Formulas: Whats the Harm? A Thought-Experiment in Algebra” by Paul de Laat
- “Internet Pornography: hazard, or hype?” by Duncan Langford
- “Professional ethics and the role of chartered societies: a case study” by John Lindsay
- “Preserving market space and the private place” by Tomas Lipinski
- “The commodifcation of information and the extension of property rights into the public domain” by Tomas Lipinski
- “Ethical Issues in the Use of One-to-One Information Distribution: Observations from an Enabler’s Point of View” by Bill McDaniel and Pat McGrew
- “Interactive Computer Ethics Explorer” by Walter Maner
- “Bionic: a link between Computer Ethics and Bioethics” by Antonio Marturano
- “Inspection Mechanism for Server-and-Client Protocols with Private-Key Cipher” by Kanta Matsuura and Hideki Imai
- “Conflict and the computer: Information Warfare and Related Ethical Issues” by Sam Nitzberg
- “Authorities: A New Non Authoritarian Approach” by Ugo G. Pacifici Noja
- “Technology, blessing or curse for employment and labour? – a technophilosophical approach” by Hendrik Opdebeeck
- “Women and Computing: The Ethical Responsibility of the IT Industry” by Niki Panteli, Janet Stack, Malcolm Atkinson and Harvie Ramsay
- “Teaching Ethics in Computer Science – How it is approached in Spanish Universities” by Rosalia Peña and Javier Extremera
- “Information Literacy, a Sine Qua Non of the Learning Environment, and a Moral Imperative for Educators” by Lester J. Pourciau
- “The World through Windows: aspects of communication and domination in contemporary culture” by Gerrit du Preez
- “Privacy and Trust: Information, Government and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)” by Charles D Raab
- “Development of a Case-based Reasoner as a tool to Facilitate Ethical Understanding” by Harjinder Rahanu, Jennifer Davies and Simon Rogerson
- “The Problem of the Ethics in the Advertising in the Information Society: the Italian Experience” by Diego Rispoli
- “Counselling via the Internet: Is it Ethical?” by Dave Robson and Maggie Robson
- “The Workplace on the verge of the 21st Century” by Richard S. Rosenberg
- “Framework for implementing an ethical strategy within organisations” by Samer A. Salem
- “Intercontinental Coding: A Challenge to Policy Domains” by Alexandra Samuel
- “New Professionals, New Measures of Worth, New Ethic of Collaboration” by Chris Simpson and Oliver Burmeister
- “Some Perspectives Concerning Two Elements of Computer Ethics” by Mikko T. Siponen and Jorma Kajava
- “Some Themes Concerning Professional Ethics and Emotional and Moral Knowing-How in the Field of IT” by Mikko T. Siponen and Jorma Kajava
- “The Moralistic Dimensions of Unauthorised Copying of Software – Selected Issues” by Mikko T. Siponen and Jorma Kajava
- “The IT revolution and the future of hierarchies” by Jecek Sojka
- “Ethical Aspects of the Employment of Expert Systems in Medicine” by B. Spyropoulos and G. Papagounos
- “Ethical Information Management Issues: Online Credit Reports” by Patrick F. Sullivan
- “UK views of ethical and spiritual implications of IT” by Harold Thimbleby, Penny Duquenoy and Nicholas Beale
- “A theological reflection on integrated information networks” by Richard Thomas
- “The Case for Responsibility of the Computing Industry to Promote Equal Presentation of Women and Men in Advertising Campaigns” by Eva Turner
- “People-Centred Information Systems Development” by Julie Ward and Clare Stephenson
- “Characteristics correlated with an individual’s predisposition to making a computer related ethical judgement” by Cheryl Welch
- “Going for broke, not brokerage: what the virtual university can ethically bring to the electronic marketplace” by Ian Kennedy White and Rosane Pagano
- “The Development of Computer Ethics: Contributions from Business Ethics and Medical Ethics” by Kenman Wong and Gerhard Steinke
- “Email, Voicemail, and Privacy: What Policy is Ethical?” by Marsha Woodbury