Porfirio Barroso
ETHICOMP Journal – Vol 1 Issue 1
The purpose of this conference is to carry out a comparative analysis of the doctrinal aspects of existing codes of ethics or deontologies in the field of informatics, study in which I have been working for a number of years , and a brief outline of which has been published in the book “Deontologia Informatica”. This book has served me as a manual for this subject matter, as have the contents of a proposal for a Medical Data Protection Deontology Code in Greece. Undoubtedly, this code should also be of interest to other countries. The entire effort for the composition of this code is based on internationally-accepted norms,particularly those of the EC countries, on recent data acquired from Greek sources and on the experiences resulting from what is acceptable in Greece. Accordingly , policies and their influence on the protection of health data, as well as the major problems related to that protection, have been considered.
The composition of a Health Informaticians’ Deontology Code (HIDEC) in Greece is the main aim of the present paper. However, this HIDEC should also be of interest to other countries. The community for which the application of the HIDEC is designed is that of the informaticians, working in connection with the users of computers in the health sector. The HIDEC will refer to the practices and behaviour according to which health informaticians are expected to exercise their profession, offering their services, and also to the practice and behaviour expected from the users. The whole effort for the composition of the HIDEC will be based on:
- Internationally-accepted norms, particularly those applied in the EC countries.
- The data acquired very recently from Greek sources.
- The experience resulting from what is socially and scientifically acceptable in Greece.
We will deal with the HIDEC article by article, comparing them with the results obtained in our research.